In just a few days another hurricane is expected to make landfall in Florida. When storms come, it throws many into panic mode and you can see “something” is coming by the lines at the gas stations and grocery stores.
They have every right to be worried. It’s not your typical summer storm coming. They’re predicting a major hurricane to make landfall somewhere along the Gulf Coast of Florida.
As I watch the news and see the community trying to prepare the best they can, it’s obvious—we all need hope.
As a Christian, my hope isn’t in the meteorologists accurately telling me where the storm is going. It’s not in the government. And it’s not in anyone or anything this world has to offer. It’s “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (see Colossians 1:27). I write here to be a beacon of hope to anyone who stumbles across my writing. Hence the name, The Beacon! I want to share hope and encouragement, one post at a time.
Do you have hope?
What’s your hope in? Or who?
When I worked in retail—more than a decade ago—I remember a conversation I had with a co-worker leaving the break room. I was very new to following Jesus, but even then I knew Jesus was our only hope. My co-worker had a different opinion.
He told me he believed that if you were a good person, and did good things, you would go to heaven. His hope was in his good works and not the finished work of the cross—the blood Jesus shed for each of us.
So many have that same hope—a false hope that is easily shaken when challenges and trials appear.
Today, I just want to ask you: Is your hope in Jesus?
If not, can I implore you to place your faith and trust in Him? He can not only forgive you of all your sins, and bring healing and restoration, but He can give you hope and pace that just doesn’t make sense according to the world—peace and hope even when storms come, trials show up, and bad things happen.
Isn’t it great to know that because of Christ in us, we have hopeless? Jesus removes “less” from hopeless.
He is our only HOPE.
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So true, we know that HOPE is found in the God of HOPE, which we see in Romans 15:13