Moses and the Burning Bush: Finding Divine Purpose in Unexpected Places
Moses wasn't at a church or a temple. He wasn't even looking for a spiritual experience. He was just doing his regular 9-to-5 shepherd gig when divinity decided to crash his workday. Amazing, right?
I've always wondered what it feels like to have your life completely derailed in the best possible way. You know those moments that split your timeline into "before" and "after"? Moses had one of those, and lately, I can't stop thinking about it.
Picture this: You're minding your own business, herding sheep through the desert like any other day. The sun's beating down, your feet are tired, and you're probably thinking about dinner. Then bam – you spot something that makes you question your sanity. A bush is on fire, but it's... not burning up?
The Divine Interruption
Let's be real here. If I saw a bush on fire that wasn't actually being consumed by the flames, I'd probably pull out my phone to record it for Instagram before anything else. Moses, though? He did what any curious human would do – he went in for a closer look. No phones, no social media, just pure "what in the world is happening here?" energy.
And then comes the real plot twist. The bush starts talking. Not just any casual "hey there" either, but the voice of God Himself. Can we just pause and appreciate how wild that is? Moses wasn't at a church or a temple. He wasn't even looking for a spiritual experience. He was just doing his regular 9-to-5 shepherd gig when divinity decided to crash his workday. Amazing, right?
Dealing with Divine Imposter Syndrome
The conversation that followed would change history, but what gets me is how remarkably human Moses' reaction was. When God tells him to go back to Egypt and free the Israelites, Moses basically says, "Um, have you got the right guy? Because I'm really not qualified for this." Talk about imposter syndrome! Here's God literally speaking through a burning bush, and Moses is worried about his public speaking skills and leadership experience. I can think of the many times I’ve said to the Lord, “I can’t do this,” and He reminds me of all He’s done for me and has called me to do. He doesn’t make mistakes when He calls you. God’s never wrong—not even a bit.
But that's what makes this story hit so close to home for me. How many times have we felt that same reluctance when facing something big? That same "surely you don't mean me" feeling when an opportunity or challenge presents itself?
I can’t help but be amazed at how good God is and how He equips the called!
Finding Your Purpose in Unexpected Places
The burning bush wasn't just about the supernatural spectacle. It was about that moment when your ordinary life suddenly intersects with something bigger than yourself. It's about finding your calling in the most unexpected places, even if that calling feels way too big for you to handle.
Sometimes, I wonder what Moses thought about years later, looking back on that day. Did he ever wake up thinking, "Remember when I thought I was just going to herd sheep all day, and instead, I ended up in a conversation with a burning bush that changed everything?"
I can relate—somewhat—to the day in the spring of 2010 when God called me to ministry while I was sitting in a Walgreens parking lot. Nothing fancy was going on. There was no fire, no loud voice—just God speaking to me with a question, “How do you know if you're supposed to be a pastor?” That question has led me to where I am today and where I will be in the future—much like how the burning bush moment was probably a spiritual marker for Moses that he reflected on often.
Life's Holy Ground Moments
Here's what I take from it: Life's biggest turns rarely announce themselves with a calendar invite. They show up unannounced, often in the middle of our ordinary routines, asking us to take off our shoes because we're standing on holy ground – even if that ground looks suspiciously like our regular Tuesday afternoon.
So maybe we all need to keep our eyes open for our own burning bushes. They might not be literally on fire, but they're those moments when the ordinary suddenly becomes extraordinary, and we're faced with a choice: walk closer to investigate, or keep walking with our sheep.
What's your burning bush story? What unexpected moments have changed your path? Drop a comment below – I'd love to hear about the times your ordinary day turned extraordinary.
This was first published at Think Eternity. Used with permission.