I love writing. I love writing online. But I’ve learned that it’s not as easy as these “experts” posting from the beach make it appear. They post things like, “Follow to learn how to leave your 9 to 5 and travel the world in 6 months or less.” You’ve seen it. We all have. I’ve seen it on every platform.
Here’s what most writers who have found success will tell you: writing online is hard.
It’s hard especially as a Christian wanting to write and honor Jesus with all 26 letters of the English alphabet.
The internet is big, loud, and unfriendly at times. Okay, most of the time.
I’ve been writing online since 2010. I’ve written over 1,000 articles. I’m yet to discover a quick path to writing success—other than just showing up, writing, and doing my best to honor the Lord with the words I put down.
Reflecting on the power of words, whether written, spoken, or typed, it's clear how they can honor and glorify Jesus. Every letter of the alphabet has the potential to do just that, whether embedded in a post, a book, or a social media caption.
My heart is to bring honor to Jesus with all 26 letters of the English alphabet—whether I’m writing here, working on a book, or penning words in a text message. I just want to bring honor to His name.
I read once in a Mark Batterson book (I can’t remember which exact one) that we can worship with the alphabet! The words we say or write can (and should) be hope-filled, faith-filled, and God-honoring, right?
Years ago, when I was in the 5th grade, I fell in love with reading and writing because of my 5th-grade teacher reading a book aloud to our class. It was just a fantasy novel for children. At the time, I didn’t know the Lord. I just knew I had this burning desire to read and write after hearing my teacher read us this story that was so intriguing to my childhood imagination.
Throughout middle school and high school, I wrote several books and once was eventually published my senior year. That’s a story for another time.
During those years I didn’t use the 26 letters of the English alphabet to bring any honor and glory to Jesus. I didn’t know Jesus—I just wrote. And, to be honest, my writing wasn’t all that great. I truly believe I became a better writer when I came to know Jesus personally as my Lord and Savior. It was as though this gift of writing He had instilled in me as a child was now in a place to be nurtured the way He designed and desired—to write for His honor and glory.
So, fast forward to today—with a book and over 1,000 articles written—I’m here, in this place, at this time, writing to bring honor to Jesus with all 26 letters. I’ve contemplated giving up more than once and I’ve been told my writing is terrible. But I believe this is what God has called me to do—to inspire hope through my writing—because it brings Him honor and glory.
There’s beauty between every letter, with every period and comma and exclamation point used, and I know that through this writing, lives can be touched with the hope that lives within me—Jesus!
So, that’s why I’m here, writing today. To worship God with every letter of the English alphabet.